This is a long post and I don’t want to make it longer than necessary. Dr. Williams is a family practitioner in Bessemer, AL. Below is his follow to his original post. You can find that post at: . I encourage you to read this through. Do your own research. Make up your own mind. What we are doing does not make sense with this continued lockdown of our nation.

By David Williams, MD
On April 19, 2020 I authored a paper titled, “The Truth (and Lies) about Coronavirus.” It was revised to a final version on April 23. If you have not read it, it is readily available through a link from the Tide Wellness Facebook page or on Rock 103’s website in Memphis. If you read the original, please go back and read the revision and addendum.
I referenced coauthors in the original, but there are no coauthors on this paper. It is simply too personal. In almost 25 years of clinical practice I have treated thousands of patients with infectious diseases. I have worked in primary care, urgent care clinics, and emergency rooms. I have cared for the elderly and immunocompromised in nursing homes and at the VA. I have provided for the disadvantaged while supervising a rural health clinic. However, this could have been written by a journalist, football coach, or hairdresser and it would not affect the truth. If this becomes Dr. Williams vs Fauci vs CNN vs Trump no one wins. American citizens have historically been smart enough to reach their own conclusions without relying on what I say or anyone else says. We don’t have to live in a society that bases its belief system on what someone else says, what network they are on, or what party they are affiliated with. We are better than that. This doesn’t need to be a war between talking heads where people take sides. The fact this debate has been politicized and sensationalized is not helping us. In fact, that’s exactly why we are in this situation now. I am merely attempting to present the basic facts.
It is very easy to compare COVID-19 and influenza. Anyone can do that. It is easy to see how the number of deaths attributed to a disease can and will be impacted by directives to modify what goes on a death certificate. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or immunologist to understand our current policies are leading to both a greater negative health impact than the virus ever will, but also an economic depression we shouldn’t have to face.
Hi, Dr Bosshardt. I enjoy reading your musings. I enjoyed finding out our common roots with PAA at a recent appointment. I have some information for you regarding that. Is this the best means to communicate that to you?
Karen, Thanks. Best is via email as I check that regularly. I am not good about checking voice messages as I get so many. My email address is